We're proud to have raised over £161,685
for some pretty amazing causes. And we've lots more in the pipeline...
We Support Mary's Meals
For every Cosatto highchair sold since January 1st 2021, a child is provided with a daily meal for a week at their place of education. Mary's Meals are supporting more than 1.6 million of the world’s poorest children. By providing one good meal in a place of learning, children are drawn into the classroom where they can receive an education that could one day free them from poverty.

How Can I Donate?
Purchase any Cosatto highchair and we will donate a percentage of each sale to Mary's Meals.
This provides a life-changing daily meal to a child for a week at their place of education.
Or... Donate any amount via the Mary's Meals website.
Cuddle with a Cause
Cosatto team members can all put forward a charity close to their heart and we all vote for who we support each month. Since we started doing this in 2013, we’ve raised over £76,000 for some fabulous charities.

Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge
In October 2016 a bunch of Cosatto nutters took on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge to raise money for Millies Trust. Dozens of bruises, sore muscles & a few lost toenails later the team made it home and raised £2670.

Cosatto ‘Don’t Tell The Bride’ Wedding
Would you let your colleagues plan your wedding?
Cosatto’s very own Michelle Bateson, International Sales Co-Ordinator, has done just that. Inviting her colleagues to plan her wedding to childhood sweetheart Jamie Cunningham.

Mary's Meals - Charity No. SC022140 Company No. SC265941. Baby Lifeline - Registered in England 1006457.